
A Good Egg


Why do some people insist on crushing egg shells to dusty bits after peeling them off their hard-boiled interiors?



They are likely deferring to an old superstition. Diners crushed their egg shells to make it more difficult for witches who, rumour had it, would otherwise collect shell pieces for anti-sailor spells.

Over the centuries, the mighty egg has starred in more than its share of good luck rituals:

i. If you want to guard your good luck, don’t toss your eggshells until your cake is fully baked.

ii. When harvesting has been less than impressive, farmers would break eggs into their land to try and spur on their crops.

iii. In most places – other than some parts of Great Britain, apparently – if your egg has two yolks, you are in for good fortune, a good spouse, or even twins.

iv. If the full shell crush doesn’t appeal, you can scoop your hard-boiled egg out of the shell then jam your fork or spoon through the bottom when you’re done. Evil, be gone.

Header: Amy Shamblen


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