People +

The Worst Gifts

It’s the thought that counts. Ok. But, which gifts do recipients appreciate the least?



What are the gifts that people most frequently shove into drawers, regift, or ‘accidentally’ destroy? One Poll and Mixbook came together to ask 2000 adults just that. Of course, one person’s drawer shove is another person’s delight. Nevertheless, the least popular gifts reported were…



Top 10 Worst Gifts
i. No such thing as a bad gift
ii. Shower gel
iii. Popcorn
iv. Socks
v. Lotion basket
vi. Mug
vii. Hard liquor
viii. Tea
ix. Candle
x. Photo calendar


And what were people most likely to say when they received a gift they didn’t fancy? The #1 response might not be very revealing, but #4, 6, 7 and 9 (“shower gel”) surely hint it’s time to revisit your reputation as gifter of the year.


Top 10 Things People Say When Pretending To Like A Gift
i. Thank You
ii. Awww!
iii. I love it
iv. Wow
v. You’re sweet
vi. That’s interesting
vii. What made you think of this?
viii. I’ve always wanted this
ix. Repeat name of the gift
x. Gasp


Header Photo: Amy Shamblen



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Elizabeth Newton

Elizabeth Newton