
Family Jam Session

If band class battles are any indication, we should all have triangles and glockenspiels in our music nooks. Which instruments are young people most excited to take home and play?



In 2022, London’s Royal Philharmonic Orchestra surveyed 1,000 students from the ages of 6 to 18. Did they want to take private music lessons? “Yes!” said 85%.

Which instruments were these melodic youth most excited to play?

Top 10 Musical Instruments Children Want To Learn
i.    Piano – 33%
ii.   Guitar – 29%
iii.  Drums – 23%
iv.   Recorder – 11%
v.    Violin – 10%
vi.   Bass Guitar – 9%
vii.  Ukulele – 8%
viii. Flute – 7%
ix.    Saxophone – 6%
x.     Trumpet – 5%

Sitting sadly at the bottom of this RPO poll were trombones, horns, and cellos. 🎻🤎



In the same year, One Poll surveyed 2000 ‘current and would-be’ American parents about their music lesson preferences. 82% thought that it was indeed important that their children study music. Which instruments earned parental favour?

Top 10 Instruments Parents Want Their Kids To Learn
i.    Piano/Keyboard – 18%
ii.   Drums – 17%
iii.  Violin – 16%
iv.  Electric guitar – 15%
v.   Acoustic guitar – 14%
v.   Trumpet – 14%
vii. Flute – 13%
vii. Percussion – 13% △
vii.  Vocals/Singing – 13%
vii.  Saxophone – 13%


Strike up the family band!


Artwork: Lorenzo Mercanti



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Elizabeth Newton

Elizabeth Newton