People +

Most Hated Chores

Is there anything more tedious than wiping down groceries? Ok, yes. But..ugh. Lockdown life introduced us to new and perfectly awful household chores to add to the list. As a rule, what type of housework do people despise the most?



Earlier this year, YouGov surveyed 1775 US adults about dreaded household chores. As you’ll see below, it was a three way tie for ultimate groan.

Most Hated Chores
1. Doing laundry
1. Doing the dishes
1. Sanitizing/wiping the bathroom
2. Dusting
3. Ironing
3. Sweeping/mopping floors
4. Vacuuming
5. Organizing/picking up clutter
6. Taking out the trash
7. Something else
8. Sanitizing/wiping kitchen surfaces

But, as it turns out, one person’s Rinse + Spin… When asked about their favourite chores (🙅🏼‍♀️) others stood up strong for laundry (24%), with dishes and picking up clutter coming in at a distant second place (13% each).

Favourite Chores
1. Doing laundry
2. Doing dishes
2. Organizing/picking up clutter
3. Vacuuming
4. Taking out the trash
5. Sanitizing/wiping kitchen surfaces
6. Sweeping/mopping floors
6. Something else
7. Sanitizing/wiping bathroom
8. Ironing
8. Dusting


And what about outside in the garden? On the one hand, pandemic life made most lucky enough to have any green space feel grateful. But, it isn’t all bliss. What are the least beloved garden chores? A Gardening Express poll of 540 Brits found:

Most Hated Gardening Chores
1. Raking leaves
2. General tidying
3. Trimming hedges
4. Digging
5. Pruning overgrown trees
6. Weeding
7. Pruning bushes + plants
8. Mowing the lawn
9. Planting
10. Watering


Header Photo: Henda Watani




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