People +

Most Prized Personal Possessions

What are your most prized material possessions?  What do you hope you’ll have tucked safely at home, or in your pocket, no matter what, no matter where.



This is a question that One Poll asked of 2,000 North American adults. What did the respondents report treasuring most? The topic of the survey more broadly focused on things that had been passed down from family.

Most Prized Possessions
i. Family photos. 65%
ii. Wedding ring. 56%
iii. Piece of jewellery. 54%
iv. Engagement ring. 50%
v. Family heirloom. 49%
vi. Computer laptop. 49%
vii. Car. 44%
viii. Wedding dress. 41%
ix. Child’s memory box. 39%
x. TV. 38%
xi. Item of clothing. 37%
xii. Favourite book. 37%
xiii. Piece of art. 36%
xiv. Camera. 36%
xv. Video game console. 36%
xvi. Musical instrument. 35%
xvii. Scrapbook. 33%


Header: Jacob Lawrence. The Apartment. 1943


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