
Play Your Cards Right

Over the years, plenty of renowned painters have captured people whiling away the hours, playing cards. What are some examples?




Le Nain Brothers. Les Petites Joueurs de cartes. 1630-40


Le Nain Brothers. Les Joueurs de cartes. 1635-40


Antoine Le Nain. Petits Joueurs de cartes. 1643


Georges de la Tour. The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs. 1630-34


Georges de la Tour. The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds. 1635


Mary Cassatt. Portrait of Miss Cassatt, holding the cards. 1876


Paul Cézanne. The Card Players. 1890-92


Paul Cézanne.  The Card Players. 1890–1892. Barnes Foundation 


Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. The Card Players. 1893


Pablo Picasso. L’homme aux cartes. 1913-14


Fernand Léger. La partie de cartes. 1917


Jacob Lawrence. The Card Game. 1953


Caravaggio. The Cardsharps. 1595


Choose Your Superpower


Destination Delicious

Elizabeth Newton

Elizabeth Newton