Starts with S, ends with X
What are some of the euphemisms that polite – or seemingly polite – society have used to describe love (or lust) making over the centuries?
. Amorous congress
. Basket-making
. Behind door work
. A bit of summer cabbage
. Blanket hornpipe
. Boil the cabbage
. Bread and butter
. Brush (a one-time fling)
. Clicket
. Convivial society
. Dance the kipples
. Engagement
In Bed: The Kiss. Toulouse-Lautrec. 1892
. Fadoodling
. Funny business
. Houghmagandy (adulterous fadoodling)
. Jollity
. Nooky
. Play couch quail
. Play nug a nug
. Princum-prancum
. Rantum-scantum
. Shaking the sheets
. Take a turn amidst the cabbages
. Wifthing
Njideka Akunyili Crosby. Garden Thriving. 2016. MOCA
Header painting: René Magritte. The Lovers. 1928