
The Dreaded Audition

Even those of us whose actorly aspirations ended in middle school can remember the stomach-seizing stress of the audition. Nightmares about forgetting you even had an audition, then  being thrust on stage in a spotlit theatre stuffed with professional theatre critics.

Finally, the real day comes, they call out your name, and it’s just you, the drama teacher posse, and their pens. “When you’re ready.” Blackbeard the pirate – nailed it! Anne of Green Gables – not so much.

What are some well-known examples of The Audition portrayed over decades of TV and Film? How about those that pile singing and/or dancing in the mix?



‘Audition’ – a word built from the Latin verb ‘audire’, to hear – is defined in the Merriam Webster Dictionary as ‘a trial performance to appraise an entertainer’s merits’. Eep. That’s not stressful at all.



A Chorus Line
Marvin Hamlisch’s lyrics say it all:

‘I hope I get it.
I hope I get it.
How many people does he need?
How many people does he need?’




Leroy’s No-Moves Barred Audition on Fame



Amadeus.  Mozart meets with the Emperor and his Court who are to commission an opera from him.



Troy and Gabriella audition for the High School Musicale



Mercedes auditions for a sectionals solo on Glee



Derek creates a number to audition for the role of director on Smash



Alexis horrifies her mother on Schitt’s Creek



An already nervous Nini has to audition in the dark. HSMTMTS



Header: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Seated Dancer in Pink Tights. 1890


Buddy Wants His Treat Now


City Love 2023

Elizabeth Newton

Elizabeth Newton