
Travelling Solo

Be it for pleasure or for work, plenty of people find themselves travelling alone. What are people looking for in the solo travel experience?



It’s a question American Express explored in their 2024 Global Travel Trends Report. Their respondents were more than 7,000 adults from Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, the UK, and the US. What did they find?

i. 69% of this international group (76% of Millennials and Gen-Z) report that they are planning to travel solo this year.

ii. Why travel alone? 66% say they are venturing out on their own to treat and take care of themselves – a little ‘self-love.’

iii. Of those who are travelling alone, 60% are intending to take two or more solo adventures.

iv. Solo travellers are more likely to embark on a weekend jaunt than longer, more pricey vacations.

v. Amongst those who do plan to travel alone: 29% plan to go to a new city, 27% will travel within their own countries, and 22% will be heading to an island or the beach.


Happy trails!



Header Photo: JSB


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