People +

You Left This In Your Uber

We’re in and out – of buses, shared cars, rentals, hotels. What are we most likely to leave behind?



For one look in: Uber has come out with their 2022 Lost + Found Index. What do people leave in ride hails? Let’s start with the ‘most unique’ items they have found. Highlights from their Top 50?



Some of The Unusual Items Left in Ubers. 2022
i) Grandmother’s teeth
ii) Cat litter and a reptile heating bulb (what’s happening here?)
iii) A tree trimmer
iv) Pizza costume
v) Breathalyzer
vi) Bernie Sanders fanny pack
vii) Metal leg
viii) Antique walking cane with a concealed sword
ix) Brown tortoise
x) A windmill


Meanwhile, when people aren’t hunting down their 500 grams of lost caviar or missing tater tots (yup), they are looking for …

The 10 Most Commonly Forgotten Items
i) Phone/camera
ii) Wallet
iii) Keys
iv) Backpack/purse
v) Headphones/speaker
vi) Glasses
vii) Clothing
viii) Vape
ix) Jewelry
x) ID


Photo. T. Ahmetler


And in which Canadian cities are people most likely to forget items in a ride-hail car?


Canadian Cities With Most Lost In Uber Items
1. Quebec City
2. Windsor
3. Niagara Region
4. Regina
5. Vancouver
6. Halifax
7. Kitchener – Waterloo
8. Hamilton
9. Kingston
10. Saskatoon


And the most forgetful time for Uber-riding Canadians? Saturdays at 9pm.


Header Photo: A. Huber


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