Late Night, No Laughs
Q. Yet another strange slice of pandemic life: watching late night comedy and Zoom sets without any audience laughter. It makes one think of laugh tracks – how did they come to be and what’s their future in a socially distanced world? . A. It’s been jarring watching late night

Fighting Hiring Bias
You were passed over yet again for that promotion. You weren’t even granted an interview, despite being an objectively strong fit. And now, much to the surprise of your co-workers, you were amongst the first pandemic layoffs. Not all career slights are due to bias. Applicants might be misinformed, deluded,

Conjunction Junction
Q. As beleaguered teachers work to enliven their lessons and fill online learning hours, it begs the question: which school time learning songs best caught your attention, helped you learn concepts, then actually stayed in your head? . A. When edutainment songs don’t work, they really don’t work. RIP awkward

June 2020 Feels
Q. This has been a month of extraordinary emotion – in the news, at home, on the streets. What are some lesser used English words that could describe how people are feeling? . A. Ache A deep and chronic pain. Adread Frightened. Terrified. Aprosexia Mind jumping hummingbird-like, from one thought

Greatest Leaders In History
Q. Who – we ask in the face of wicked counterexamples – are some of the greatest leaders in history? A. BBC World Histories Magazine asked a panel of historians to nominate particularly great leaders from the past, leaders who had real power and/yet had a positive impact on humanity.

Ice Cream Quiet
Q. Wanted: a moment of peace away from the madness. A sensory distraction. What types of food are particularly comforting? A. I scream. You scream. We all scream. For friends, jobs, and freedoms lost to a vicious virus. For George Floyd and a long list of Americans hunted down for

Truffle Toil
Q. Why, for centuries, have people worked so hard to find truffles? . A. There is no easy peasy picking for this fungus. Citizens across France, Italy, Spain have sent pigs, dogs, foxes, even badgers to sniff these ‘black diamonds’ out of hiding. Why? Plutarch thought truffles were baked by

Famous Dreams
Q. What are some historically famous dreams? And what does it all mean anyway? A. Frankenstein first came to Mary Shelley in a dream, Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to Robert Louis Stevenson. Prior to his assassination, President Abraham Lincoln dreamt of a corpse and the ‘subdued sobs of mourners.’

It’s A Small Say World So
Q. Why can’t I get that song out of my head?! . A. What do Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj and 300 audio-animatronic dolls have in common? They all take starring roles in songs which, once they get in your head, are not so willing to get out. Say So exerts

Knock On Wood
Q. Why do so many of us knock on wood to stave off bad luck? . A. As far as superstitions goes, wood-knocking is ever popular. A 2012 CBS News poll estimates that: • 51% of us knock on wood to escape bad fortune. • 16% will not open their