
Baby Paris Meet Baby Vienna

What to name your child: that’s no small decision for a parent. And how interesting when we choose the name of a city or country for our progeny. It would be intriguing to learn more about the ‘whys’. Even those of us who just like the sound of the name must at least consider the implications of the affiliated city or country. So, for starters: what are the most commonly chosen geographic baby names?



In December of 2022, Bounce crunched the US Census and UK Office for National Statistics baby data x geographical names for the years 2000 to 2020. Their results?

UK. Capital city inspiring the most baby names
i. Paris
ii. Vienna
iii. Cairo
iv. Rome
v. Havana
vi. Kingston
vii. London
viii. Riyadh
ix. Amman
x. Yaren


UK. Countries inspiring the most baby names
i. India
ii. Mali
iii. Israel
iv. Kenya
v. Cuba
vi. China
vii. Dominica
viii. Malaysia
ix. Ireland
x. Cyprus



US. Capital city inspiring the most baby names
i. London
ii. Kingston
iii. Paris
iv. Cairo
v. Vienna
vi. Rome
vii. Hamilton
viii. Berlin
ix. Havana
x. Nairobi


US. Countries inspiring the most baby names
i. Israel
ii. India
iii. Kenya
iv. America
v. Malaysia
vi. Ireland
vii. Egypt
viii. Italy
ix. Trinidad
x. China




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