
Name That Country Motto

What is the official motto for your country?


Chances are that you can identify the flags, national anthems, signature foods and most popular sports of a number of countries. But what about the neglected national mottos?

Country Motto Challenge

How many of these mottos can you link to a country?

  1. Freedom or death.
  2. Truth alone triumphs.
  3. Order and progress.
  4. From sea to sea.
  5. Wither the fates carry us.
  6. Out of many, one people.
  7. We wish to remain what we are.
  8. One for all, all for one.
  9. God, and my right.
  10. In God we trust.
  11. No one provokes me with impunity.



Country Motto Challenge Answers

  1. Freedom or death. – Greece
  2. Truth alone triumphs. – India
  3. Order and progress. – Brazil
  4. From sea to sea. – Canada
  5. Wither the fates carry us. – Bermuda
  6. Out of many, one people. – Jamaica
  7. We wish to remain what we are. – Luxembourg
  8. One for all, all for one. – Switzerland
  9. God, and my right. – England
  10. In God we trust. – The United States
  11. No one provokes me with impunity. – Scotland


Photos by Alex Shuper


Favourite Film Themes


St. Patrick's Day Green

Elizabeth Newton

Elizabeth Newton