People +

Most Annoying Phrases

Which phrases do people find most annoying?



As it turns out, there are a lot. ‘This is true.’ (😖 )

Big Picture Annoyances

This December, Marist polled 1,753 adults about the words and phrases that annoy them most. Survey says..

2020 Most Annoying Words or Phrases
i. Whatever
ii. Like
iii. In my opinion
iv. You’re on mute
v. Actually


Last year, Marist conducted the same poll and found..

2019 Most Annoying Words or Phrases
i. Whatever
ii. No offense, but
iii. Dude
iv. Literally
v. Please wait, I’ll be right with you



Pandemic Pet Peeves

Of course, it wouldn’t be 2020 without considering the pandemic-related phrases that now sear our ears. Acquia surveyed 1. 000 people who came back with their top five..

Most Annoying Covid-10 Phrases
i. We’re in this together
ii. New normal
iii. Unprecedented times
iv. In these difficult times
v. More than ever



Mind Your Work Words

One Poll and Jive Communications started their research by poring through the communications of 2,000 workers. In so doing, they were able to identify the most overused workplace jargon, the phrases that make 27% of respondents stop listening at once.

Most Annoying Work Phrases
i. Give 110%
ii. Think outside the box
iii. Hammer it out
iv. Heavy lifting
v. Throw them under the bus
vi. Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched
vii. Pushing the envelope
viii. Let the cat out of the bag
ix. Let’s circle back
x. Win-win situation



Then There’s Email

In early 2020, Perkbox Insights surveyed 1,928 people about their email pet peeves.

The Most Annoying Email Cliches
i. Just looping in
ii. As per my last email
iii. Any updates on this?
iv. Just checking in
v. Confirming receipt
vi. Per our conversation
vii. Please advise
viii. Thanks in advance
ix. Hope you’re well.

Header: Matthew T. Rader
Photo 2: Jez Timms
Photo 3: Felipe Belluco
Photo 4: Zulfa Nazer


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