Q. Which desserts are most pleasing to Canadian sweet teeth? . A. Well, let’s get out the mini-plates and see… . . Canadian Living Magazine mined their data to unearth the most popular dessert recipes of 2024: Most Popular Dessert. Canadian Living Magazine. 2024 i. Classic Nanaimo Bars ii.
Q. Pugs have played an outsized role in fiction. Jane Austen brings us Mansfield Park’s Lady Bertram who would rather spend time with her pug than her children. ‘To the education of her daughters Lady Bertram paid not the smallest attention. She had not time for such cares. She was
Q. They did you dirty, but now they’ve sent you flowers. An apology? Perhaps. But if, like the Victorians, you’re keen on analyzing the meaning of bouquets, then you might want to look closer. What are some flowers that – traditionally, cross-culturally – have been assigned, at minimum, mixed meanings?
Q. Are there certain cities whose food you find particularly appealing? Which cities whet the appetites of your fellow travellers? . A. Here’s one look in from Trip Advisor. To derive their ‘Best of the Best’ ranking of Food across the world, they amassed ‘above and beyond reviews and opinions’