People +

The Sweet Smell Of Home

Which scents make people feel happiest in their homes?



It’s something people are thinking about more, now that they are spending so much time in said homes. This month, House Beautiful Magazine reports that essential oil diffuser sales are up by 22%.

Even before the pandemic, 70% of respondents in a 72 point poll of 1,000 adults said they were diligent about making their homes smell better. 45% of women and 30% of men were particularly worried about how their house might smell to visiting guests.

The Smells
And what kinds of home odours are particularly offensive?

Top 5 in the poll were:
1. Cigarette smoke
2. Garbage can
3. Litter box
4. Mold and mildew
5. Fish



The best smells to wake up to, much more pleasantly, were:
1. Fresh-brewed coffee
2. New sheets
3. Pine
4. Toasted bread
5. Orange juice

The smells that made people feel most at home were:
1. Fresh-brewed coffee
2. Baked cookies
3. Clean sheets
4. Pot roast
5. Pasta sauce


Header: Julie Fader
Photo #2: Kayla Warner


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