02 Oct 2024

Out Damn Past

Q. Macbeth: Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? It might have happened to you. Not the murderous schemes of Macbeth and his Lady, but the stumbling out of a situation that made you feel unclean, dirty, tainted, ashamed. You might have been nothing more

16 Sep 2024

Deep Into The Spider-Verse

Q. Well, look who finally made their way Into the Spider-Verse. Wow. I get the nominations and the hype. The use of character, art, music; the seamless melding between comic book and film animation – it’s brilliant. Just how passionate are people about their favourite superheroes? It depends, of course,

04 Sep 2024

Why Is The Bin Still In?!

Q. We gentlefolk – reader, writer – are nothing but a delight. But, what habits do other people find annoying in their partners? . A. Hammonds surveyed 2,000 Brits on the partner habits that rankle the most. Their results? Top ten most annoying habits according to couples i.    Not

23 Aug 2024

I Miss The Sound Of

Q. For me, it’s the crackle of the kitchen radio, the  clack of Dad’s typewriter, the steam hiss of Mum’s vintage iron, the minor third trill ring of a rotary phone call that best be for me. What are some nostalgic sounds that you miss from your childhood? How many

07 Aug 2024

People Steeplechase

Q. In kindergarten, one of our favourite games 👀 was ‘horsey’. We’d be cantering around, hands slapping onto hot pavement, neighing when the mood hit. It’s hard not to be reminded of horsey hijinks when watching Olympics steeplechase. Well, add in a shake of extreme athleticism, some steely-eyed competitors, and

03 Aug 2024

Not Today, Mop

Q. Few would be surprised to learn that people despise household chores – some have their particular nemeses, some hate the whole lot. I mean, it’s in the word. Cambridge Dictionary defines a ‘chore’ as ‘a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to

20 Jul 2024

If At First Your Invention Stinks

Q. What are some examples of inventions that were a flop to start, but then found new life put to an altogether different purpose? . A. As it turns out, there have been lots. Our first look in… Bubble Wrap How do you feel about the pop, pop, pop of

30 Jun 2024

13 Canadian Food Inventions

Q. Happy Canada Day Weekend! For those who live in Canada: what will you be eating to celebrate? What are some foods that were ‘invented’ in Canada? . A. Since we’re writing from BC, we’ll start in the deep woods… If you are hiking in the forest and want to

25 Jun 2024

Not So Boss

Q. Do leaders’ communication skills get better and better as they ascend the power rungs? No. But, according to studies, plenty of these ascendant leaders mistakenly believe that they are knocking their speechifying and one-on-ones out of the park. Why the disconnect? What aren’t these bosses saying, hearing, and doing?

12 Jun 2024

Taking Names

Q. What was the most common first name amongst your high school friends? Beware the person asking you that question. Particularly if they are smoking a pipe, wearing a trench coat, and shadowing their eyes beneath a herringbone cap. Well, perhaps, beware this person in general. But know that, here,