Dollars To Donuts
Q. What does the ‘dollars to donuts’ expression mean, and why did it come to be? . A. This late 1800s American expression means: I’m so sure I’m right, I’m willing to wager something valuable – dollars, for something undeniably cheap if I’m wrong – donuts. Clearly this ‘dollars to
Hawthorn, Roses + Bearded Crepis for 2024
Q. Happy 2024! All hopes for a healthy, peaceful, prosperous, joy-filled New Year 🙏🏼. As we consider celebratory bouquets for friends, family, or ourselves: which flowers might be considered auspicious for this new beginning? . A. When it comes to assigning meaning to flowers, the Victorians get the bay wreath.
A Trip To The Library
Q. ‘Let me tell you You’ve never seen anything like that library So many books, so much marble, so quiet..’ So say lyrics from the brilliant musical ‘She Loves Me’, with lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, music by Jerry Bock, and a book by Joe Masteroff. Perhaps you, too, have new
Strawberry Short Take
Q. The best strawberries are uncommonly sweet, juicy, big enough to savour. The worst are nothing but tasteless, mealy, off-season imposters. All power to the real royal reds just waiting to be eaten fresh, or dipped in icing sugar and chocolate. What are some interesting ways in which strawberries have
Merry Christmas
To all who are celebrating today: Merry Christmas! A particularly warm greeting to those who are spending their 2023 holiday season away from their loved ones. Here’s to good health and goodwill in 2024. To help us ring in the day is the brilliant artwork of William H. Johnson, born
Those Sugar Plum Fairy Bells
Q. Which instrument creates the bell-like sound we hear in The Nutcracker’s ‘Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy’, Harry Potter’s ‘Hedwig Theme’, ‘It’s A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’ from Mister Rogers, and Willy Wonka’s ‘Pure Imagination’? . A. That beautiful bell sound comes from a celeste, or celesta. When
The Curious Life Of The Unwanted Gift
Q. They come in with such hope – nestled in tissue, boxed with festive flourish, topped with an oversized bow. ‘How much are they going to love me?! Imagine the pride of place I’ll have in their lives.’ 5, 4, rip, 2 … ‘Wait, what was that micro-expression – a
Too big for your boots, britches + trumpet
Q. It’s inspiring to see humility amongst those with otherworldly skills. Not a humble brag in sight despite an ability to will pucks into the net, scribble down musical masterpieces in a day, restore the peace in a bicker-heavy room. Contrast that to those who swan in with booming braggadocio
The Uffizi
Q. What is it about the Uffizi Gallery that drives art lovers to return to Florence again and again? . A. The Uffizi Gallery houses an extraordinary collection of paintings, with masterpieces from Boticelli to Michelangelo, Caravaggio to Giotto, Leonardo to Raffaello. This world-renowned gallery sits in the first two
That Sounds Tasty
Q. Sizzle, fizz, pop, crunch. Does the sound of food – while we’re preparing it, while we’re eating it – affect our perceptions of its taste? And how about the ambient sounds that surround us while we eat? Can playing this piece versus that song affect the degree to which