18 Mar 2025

Little High, Little Low

Q. Here comes the what, Britney? Have you searched any song lyrics lately? If so, why? To finally figure out those words you’ve been glossing over for years? To come roaring out of the gate at karaoke? Which songs lyrics do people search most? . A. Wordlist Finder analyzed Google

08 Mar 2025

Britain Picks Favourites

Q. With museums full of glorious art, it’s interesting to see how nations come together in nominating their favourites. What say you, Britain? . A. In 2017, BBC reported out on a poll of 2000 Brits. The topic? Favourite British artworks from a list compiled by art experts. And which

15 Feb 2025

Play Your Cards Right

Q. Over the years, plenty of renowned painters have captured people whiling away the hours, playing cards. What are some examples? . A. . Le Nain Brothers. Les Petites Joueurs de cartes. 1630-40 . Le Nain Brothers. Les Joueurs de cartes. 1635-40 . Antoine Le Nain. Petits Joueurs de cartes.

01 Feb 2025

I Can Name That Tune In …

Q. Which songs or pieces are most quickly identifiable by or celebrated for their first notes? . A. It’s hard to argue against what must be the most referenced 8 notes in musical history: the opening of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. Ludwig von’s Symphony No. 5 in C Minor premiered in

07 Jan 2025

New York Hits The Books

Q. Once again, the New York Public Library system kept close track of the most checked-out books over the past 12 months. Which books were New Yorkers borrowing most over 2024? Did any of these books feature in your reading pile? . A. Looking across the city’s three main public

25 Dec 2024

The Art Of Christmas

Q. Merry Christmas! What are some striking paintings associated with Christmas? . A. Jean Hey. The Annunciation. 1490-05 . Leonardo da Vinci. Annunciation. 1472 . Philippe de Champaigne. The Dream of St. Joseph. 1642-43 . José Campeche y Jordán. La Natividad. 1799 . Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The Nativity with Saints. 1514

20 Dec 2024

Will She Defy Gravity?

Q. No pressure. The countdown is on. Just a few beats until we reach the big song in the beloved musical. Will the singer deliver? Will the audience be as moved as they are hoping? “Elphaba, why couldn’t you have stayed calm for once?Instead of flying off the handle! I

07 Dec 2024

Rubens Goes Home

Q. It’s remarkable to see the impact that certain high profile artists have on the places they live. As he set off from his home town of Antwerp as a young man, Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) could not have predicted the artistic gravity of his Belgian homecoming. How did it

22 Nov 2024

Dancing Across Easels

Q. It’s always so interesting to see artists depict other artists at work. And what more beautiful artistry to capture on canvas than dance? What are some examples of different types of dancing captured by visual artists? . A. A dancerly sampling… Pierre Bruegel the Elder. The Wedding Dance. 1566

03 Nov 2024

First Dance Favourites

Q. The post-nuptials first dance is a big deal these days. It’s not unusual to find painstakingly chosen songs, dance lessons, choreographers … Which songs are we most likely to hear during this high-stakes first dance? . A. Last year, The Knot surveyed 10,000 married couples around what they see