New Beginnings
Q. As we emerge from hiding – some inch by inch, some with rocket boosters – many are thinking about how they might live their lives differently moving forward. As Nina Simone, then Michael Bublé sang: ‘It’s a new dawn, It’s a new day, It’s a new life for me…’

Hot Lump In The City
Q. 39° Celsius might be no big deal in your neck of the woods, but in air-conditionless Vancouver, 39°C is record-breaking woe. Ice and shade, please. What are some famous paintings that capture the feeling of being Too Darn Hot? And how about some that capture what we dream about doing

Most Hated Chores
Q. Is there anything more tedious than wiping down groceries? Ok, yes. But..ugh. Lockdown life introduced us to new and perfectly awful household chores to add to the list. As a rule, what type of housework do people despise the most? . A. Earlier this year, YouGov surveyed 1775 US

Dali Had An Ocelot
Q. Who are some well-known historic figures with unusual to alarming animal friends? . A. Audrey Hepburn’s Fawn In the 1959 film ‘Green Mansions’, Audrey Hepburn plays Rima, a ‘Bird Girl’ who lives in the forest. Green Mansions was less than a hit, but in the film – and in

Lilibet, Elsa, or Zibby
Q. Congratulations to the Sussexes on the birth of wee Lilibet! Take it from a decidedly non-royal Elizabeth, certain names – especially those that have been around for a while – have an endless roster of commonly used variants (can we still use that word without cringing?) and nicknames. What

Water Words
Q. What are some lesser known words related to nature wetness, to oceans, lakes, rivers.. . A. Bedewing Wet with dew, or something like it. Bight An open bay or bend in the coastline. Bore A steep wave, such as that caused by two tides coming together. Billabong Australian roots.

You Eat What With What?
Q. Do you snack on any strange food combinations that would surprise those who don’t know you that well? Would you pair these foods proudly in a public place, or is this strictly for in-house dining? . A. First things first. We Canadians are clearly not a poll-passionate people. But,

Fisk, Fisk As Fast As You Can
Q. What are some little used or near-obsolete words to describe the act of running? . A. Absquattle To run away Dust To flee Fisk To run rather haphazardly Hie To move quickly Hobbledygee Somewhere between a walk and a jog Jaunce To run about willy nilly; to prance. As

Onion Love
Q. What are the superstitions that link romance and onions of all things? . A. It’s not everyday that one draws a natural link between romance and onions. As Jonathan Swift wrote in his poem ‘Onions’: … ‘For this is every cook’s opinion, No savoury dish without an onion; But,

Archiving Smells
Q. Are there any signature scents from your childhood that you haven’t smelled for years? Do you think those scent memories will sit strong in your brain, or will the fragrant details start to fade? . A. First, we can start by exploring which smells people most frequently associate with