26 May 2021

You Eat What With What?

Q. Do you snack on any strange food combinations that would surprise those who don’t know you that well? Would you pair these foods  proudly in a public place, or is this strictly for in-house dining? . A. First things first. We Canadians are clearly not a poll-passionate people. But,

06 May 2021

Fisk, Fisk As Fast As You Can

Q. What are some little used or near-obsolete words to describe the act of running? . A. Absquattle To run away Dust To flee Fisk To run rather haphazardly Hie To move quickly Hobbledygee Somewhere between a walk and a jog Jaunce To run about willy nilly; to prance. As

01 May 2021

Onion Love

Q. What are the superstitions that link romance and onions of all things? . A. It’s not everyday that one draws a natural link between romance and onions. As Jonathan Swift wrote in his poem ‘Onions’: … ‘For this is every cook’s opinion, No savoury dish without an onion; But,

28 Apr 2021

Archiving Smells

Q. Are there any signature scents from your childhood that you haven’t smelled for years? Do you think those scent memories will sit strong in your brain, or will the fragrant details start to fade? . A. First, we can start by exploring which smells people most frequently associate with

21 Apr 2021

Round Dodgers

Q. Remember, back in the day, when it was safe to go out for cocktails, mocktails, and bar snacks with friends? How is it that some people order up a storm, then manage to make themselves scarce when it’s their turn to buy the next round for the table? .

14 Apr 2021

As If

Q. What makes some movie quotes so memorable? . A. Let’s start with The Hollywood Reporter’s 2016 poll of its readers around the most memorable movie quotes of all time. How many of the Top 10 can you place? Answers 👇🏼 . THR Top 10 Movie Quotes Poll i. “Frankly

10 Apr 2021


Q. Quiet. With all of the covid chatter – inside crowded apartments, chart-stuffed newscasts, teeming brains – many are looking for a little peace and quiet. How have artists captured this idea of ‘quiet’? . A. The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘quiet’ as: • ‘Absence of noise or bustle; silence; calm.

06 Apr 2021

Doctor Of Spin

Q. We know it’s bad. Just give it to us straight. No spin. Wait. Why is the word ‘spin’ used in this context? . A. Spin. After a while you come to recognize the facial, vocal, and verbal tells when Spokesperson X is locking into their spin. Oh boy. Here

03 Apr 2021

Creme Eggs: Yes Or No?

Q.  It’s time. The Easter Bunnies are starching their bowties and dusting their baskets. Question is: will you be glad to receive a yellow-yolked, chocolate creme egg? Yes or No? . A. We’ll start by admitting that we are unabashedly, pass the purple foil, ready the sweetest buds: Yes. But,

31 Mar 2021

He Who Gobbles All The Candy Corn

Q. But who would you rather talk to at a party: the one who ate the marshmallow, or the one who let it be? . A. At this point, we’re all marshmallow-savvy. Let’s move it to the world of candy. Tony and Steve share a secret vice: they are both