City Nicknames
Q. City nicknames are a tricky thing, more often used by people who live elsewhere. When I moved to the Bay Area, new friends were quick to tell me: “Whatever you do, do not call San Francisco ‘Frisco’. And don’t even think about calling it ‘San Fran’. It’s just ‘The

Velvet And Purls
Q. As you read or watch period dramas, you might see reference to largely forgotten food and drink. Some examples? . A. Beef Tea Cordial We find this ‘restorative drink’ in Frederick and Seymour Davies’ 1896 Drinks of all Kinds. ‘Make half a pint of beef tea by adding the

One Big Painted Family
Q. For his 1942 painting Nighthawks, artist Edward Hopper used both his wife, Jo – a frequent muse – and himself as models. As Jo wrote in a letter to Edward’s sister, Marion: ‘Ed has just finished a very fine picture—a lunch counter at night with 3 figures. Night Hawks

Eat Your Words
Q. What are some forgotten or little used words related to eating or drinking? . A. Bags O’ Mystery Sausages. Nuff said Bellytimber Food Bever A snack Bibulous Related to or a fancy for alcoholic drinks Bouffage A spectacular feast Carousal A crazed party with much drinking Cibarious Food-related Collation

The Most Coveted Office Perk
Q. Fresh fruit smoothies, foosball, lunchtime mixology, boardroom climbing wall, luggage party trip draws. Over the years, tech companies especially have gone over the top to attract in-demand employees with wild office perks. Which perk do employees appreciate most? . A. Well, Future Workplace surveyed 1614 North American employees about

100 Best TV Shows?
Q. What do people think are the best made TV shows of the 21st Century? What do you think? . A. Cue the debate. Which of the following TV shows are on your favourites list? This month, BBC Culture polled 206 TV experts – industry insiders, critics, analysts, academics, journalists

First Comes Spoons, Then Comes Marriage
Q. Spoons feature prominently in the button-tight world of etiquette. Are our silver-plated friends similarly burdened with deeply rooted superstitious beliefs? . A. Spoons definitely play a strong role in old-school manners. In Emily Post’s 1922 Etiquette, for instance, we see pages devoted to teaching mischievous young boys how to

And Now For Our Company Song
Q. Did (do?!) any companies start the day with an official company song? . A. Imagine.. It’s your first week of work and there is lots to do: meet those people, sign those forms, get your work space in order. And there’s something else. On Friday, you will be expected

The Cities In Our Travel Dreams
Q. For months and months, even the most wanderlusty of us have only been able to dream – or reminisce (hola, Guanajuato!) – about the cities we’d like to be visiting. Which cities most commonly top our dream lists? . A. Well, Condé Naste Traveler just completed their 34th annual

Ham-Fisted + Pea-Brained
Q. What is it about we English and our food-based insults? . A. ‘Truly, thou art damned like an ill-roasted egg, all on one side.’ Shakespearean characters, like Court Jester Touchstone in As You Like It, excel in the art of food-based insult. ‘His brain,’ Jaques declares in Act 2